Stop Now, Act Now: End Muslim Discrimination                    
Campaign Importance

These three social norms are underlying issues that serve as a basis for the importance of the Stop Now, Act Now campaign.

The Ideal "True American"
Within America, there is the classic ideal of who is a "true American." If a person doesn't look a specific way, hold the same American views, or is unjustly associated with a group deemed un-American (like terrorists), then they are looked down upon and discriminated against. In today's society, Muslims and American-born Muslims are the targeted "un-American" group simply from the misconceptions surrounding Islam. 

Deprivation of Basic Civil Rights
The deprivation of basic civil rights results solely from ignorant and uneducated views. Muslims live in fear of freely practicing their religion, are picked out of crowds at airports and put through special security searches, lose their jobs or can't obtain jobs due to their ethnicity, and are banned from wearing their traditional Islamic clothing. It is unconstitutional to deprive anyone of their civil rights, yet Muslims face this deprivation on a daily basis. 

The Discriminatory Pattern Within the United States
Throughout the decades, the United States has always pinpointed a specific group of people to discriminate against. In the past, such groups who fell victim to this vicious trend include Native Americans, African Americans, Communists, and Japanese Americans among others. Currently, Muslims have fallen under the scrutiny of the American public for no just reason. This discriminatory pattern causes two major problems:
  1. Gives others a reason to have animosity against America, thus creating enemies.
  2. Inadvertently sends the message that discriminating against a specific group, due to ignorance and lack of education, is ok.
If we allow this pattern to continue, which group of people will be next?