Stop Now, Act Now: End Muslim Discrimination                    

Misconception: The religion of Islam promotes terrorism.
  • Reality: The Qu'ran does not endorse any type of violence, now does it influence followers to believe that terrorism is the way to spread the religion.  

Misconception: All Muslims and Muslim-looking people are terrorists.
  • Reality:  This classic stereotype has no foundation. In society, racial profiling of Muslims consists of pinpointing those who wear clothing correlated with Muslims and Islam. However, Muslims come from all parts of the world. They are of all ethnicities, nationalities, and races, resulting in each individual Muslim to appear and dress in very diverse ways. For example, some wear tradition Islamic clothing, while others choose not to. In addition, those who join Al-Qaeda rarely reside in the United States, instead choosing to join their fellow Al-Qaeda members in the Middle East. Racial profiling is by no means a way to correctly pinpoint a terrorist. A terrorist can come from any social class, ethnicity, race, or religion. They are not all Muslims and followers of Islam.

Misconception: Islam does not share any common values with other major faiths.
  • Reality: Islam believes in the same God as Christianity and Judaism. They believe in the prophets that Christianity and Judaism believe in. The only difference is that Islam believes in the prophet Muhammad, while Christianity and Judaism don't. 

Misconception: Islam oppresses women and places men in power.  
  • Reality: A major aspect of Islam is equality; equality between people and equality between men and women. Allah does not favor one gender over the other, but he does realize that men and women are not the same. They are different in their composition, and in their responsibilities under Islam. Yet, both genders are bound by obligations to one another and Allah does not promote men over women.

Misconception: Muslim charities support terrorism and Al-Qaeda.
  • Reality: The average Muslim does not associate with, correspond with, or promote the actions of Al-Qaeda. The proceeds from the charities that Muslims sponsor goes directly to the poor under direction from the third pillar called Zakat (charity). The money that Al-Qaeda receives comes from corrupt charities within the Middle East.

Misconception: Al-Qaeda and Islam are the Same

  • Reality: The lack of education and ignorance of the general American public creates the belief that there is a direct correlation between Islam and Al-Qaeda. See below for comparison.
  • Follows the literal interpretation of the Qu'ran.
  • Embodies peaceful and kind manners that the Qu'ran emphasizes.
  • Promote Islam without force, violence, or power.
  • Not against outside influences and easily integrates into American society. 
  • Considered radical Islam by some.
  • Considered non-Islamic by Muslims who peacefully follow Islam. 
  • Use their own manipulated interpretaion of the Qu'ran to justify their violent actions.
  • Focused on spreading Islam through force, violence, and power.
  • Against outside influences.